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组建高端智库 把脉学校发展——温州肯恩大学专
摘要:Please scroll down for the English version 为充分借力顶尖智力资源,把脉学校发展战略,高质量推进学校高水平国际化大学建设,10月9日温州肯恩大学专家咨询委员会成立,15位专家学者重磅加
Please scroll down for the English version
据悉,此次温肯专家咨询委员会阵容强大,由15位在对外交流、中外合作办学或高等教育领域具有深厚专业背景和管理经验的专家组成,其中8人为院士。委员会专家分别为:中国科学院院士、浙江大学校长吴朝晖,中国科学院院士、浙江大学原校长杨卫,中国科学院院士、香港理工大学校长滕锦光,中国科学院院士、香港中文大学教授谢作伟,中国科学院院士、上海交通大学教授颜德岳,中国科学院院士、东华大学材料科学与工程学院院长朱美芳,加拿大皇家科学院士、加拿大工程院院士、香港中文大学(深圳)副校长朱世平,瑞典皇家科学院院士、瑞典隆德大学教授Sven Lidin,澳门科技大学协理副校长孙建荣,美国商务部原助理部长黄建南,国际货币基金组织原秘书长林建海,浙江大学教授、美国农业与生物工程学会会士应义斌,厦门大学中外合作办学研究中心主任林金辉,浙江省公共政策研究院院长、浙江大学求是特聘教授姚先国和莫斯科国立大学教授、英国皇家化学学会会士SergeyVatsadze。他们的加入为温肯提供了高级“思想库”和“智囊团”,将进一步提高学校规划决策的科学性和前瞻性,加快温州肯恩大学高水平、国际化建设进程。
High-end Think Tank: Wenzhou-Kean University Advisory Committee holds its Founding Ceremony and First Meeting
On October 9th, Wenzhou-Kean University spearheaded an Advisory Committee, a top-tier think tank with a total of 15 scholars and experts involved. The Secretary of Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee Mr. Weijun CHEN, Member of the Standing Committee and Secretary-General Mr. Jun WANG and Deputy Mayor Ms. Xiaoshu TANG attended the event.
The Committee has a strong lineup with eight academicians and six experts participated. They all have profound experience in related fields such as cultural exchanges, internationalized education, Sino-Foreign Cooperative Universities.
The committee members are: Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and President of Zhejiang University, Zhaohui WU; Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Former President of Zhejiang University, Wei YANG; Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and President of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Jinguang TENG; Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Zuowei XIE; Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Deyue YAN; Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Dean of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Meifang ZHU; Fellow of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Canada, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and Vice President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Shiping ZHU; Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and Professor of Lund University, Sweden, Sven Lidin; Associate Vice President of Macau University of Science and Technology, Jianrong SUN; former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the US Department of Commerce, Jiannan HUANG; former Secretary-General of the International Monetary Fund, Jianhai LIN; Professor of Zhejiang University, Fellow of American Society of Agriculture and Bioengineering, Yibin YING; Director of the Research Center for Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools, Xiamen University, Jinhui LIN; Dean of Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Public Policy, Qiushi Distinguished Professor of Zhejiang University, Xianguo YAO; professor at Moscow State University, Fellow of The Royal Society of Chemistry and member of the American Chemical Society, Sergey Vatsadze.
文章来源:《智库时代》 网址: http://www.zksdbjb.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/1014/693.html